Muscular Stomach

Muscular Fitness
Muscular Fitness

How to have a flat and muscular stomach?

Having a flat stomach is now considered a luxury. For most of us, this desire is mostly aesthetic, but be aware that the fat around the belly is very bad for health . So even though having a flat stomach is visually pleasing, it will also bring you healthier.

If you are looking to lose belly quickly and want to get a muscular and toned abdominal strap, you are in the right place. You will find here all the explanations that will allow you to understand how our belt works and especially how to solve this "big belly" problem that can sometimes haunt us for years.


62% of women admit that their belly is one of the parts of their body that they like the least. Yet, this is not a reason to lose hope! Often it is enough to change some bad habits and things become, at once, easier.

To give you even more motivation (very important criterion for losing weight), know that having a flat stomach is not only an aesthetic criterion. It is also very important for health. This allows you to stay healthy and avoid storing fat in this essential part of the body.

1. Aesthetic abdomen-flat

The aesthetic side
Obviously, the aesthetic side is today the priority of people who want to have a flat stomach. The big belly is now considered to be the let-go and meaningful of a person who does not really take care of it. Magazines and television are also a way to remind us that a big belly is unfortunately not welcome in our society.

2. Cladding abdomen

Better cladding
The abdominal part is most definitely the most important area of ​​our body. It connects the top and the bottom of the human body. Consequence: it is the part most solicited on a daily basis. This is why it is very important to have a strong and toned abdominal strap. This will allow you to have a flat stomach, but it is also a way to combat back pain or to avoid many injuries (for athletes or not).

3. Good-health-flat belly

A major criterion for being healthy:
The most harmful fat to our body is the one around the stomach. Focusing on the fat loss around this area is a way to have a flat stomach, but also to promote your health. We recommend this article citing 5 reasons that will convince you to lose belly right now .


To get a flat stomach, it is necessary to understand that several factors take into account. First, diet is a crucial point. If you do not eat well, you will have to change these bad habits. To do this, you will need exercise sessions (cardio + muscle work) to make your abdominal muscles stronger and more toned. This may seem difficult and even inaccessible for some, but be aware that with a little bit of seriousness, the little task turn out to be simpler than expected and you could see results very quickly.

Which muscles work?

One often associates flat stomach with exercise of abdominal. Unfortunately, this is not quite the case. To have a toned and flat belly, it is advisable to work the transverse muscle. It is the muscle that girdles our abdomen and is often confused with great rights. However, this part of the body does not work optimally by performing only abdominal.

Abdominal muscles for flat stomach

By muscling the transverse, you work the deepest muscle of your abdominal. There are many exercises to work this important part of the body. Cladding is also an essential exercise to tone this transverse muscle.


Sport is an indispensable way if you want to have a flat stomach. Without sport, you will never get the stomach you want. Diet is very important, especially from an aesthetic point of view, but also if you have a lot of weight to lose. As for exercise, it is even more so if you want to be healthy. This is the only way to avoid injuries and make you feel healthier.

The swiss ball

There is a simple exercise to do 3 times a week using a swiss ball. Begin stretching your arms over your head and stretching your legs. With the ball in your hands, bring it back over your chest always keeping your arms outstretched. While making this movement of arms, bring your legs back to the ball to wedge it between your ankles. Bring the ball back to the floor with your legs and let your arms fall over your head. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction and repeat it 10 to 12 times. Remember to keep your back well anchored in the ground so as not to require your lumbar.

Crunches? To put last on your list!

We all think that by doing abdominal every day, we will have a flat stomach, big mistake! This is even the last thing you should put on your plan to lose belly fat.

Here are the 4 most important actions to have a flat stomach (in order of importance):

Food: Spend 60 minutes a day preparing healthier meals
The cardio: Pass 20 minutes a day (3 to 5 times / week) to do cardio exercises
Strength: Spend 15 minutes a day (3 times / week) doing strength exercises
Abdominal: Spend 5 minutes a day (3 times / week) doing abdominal exercises

Some Pilate’s exercises would be much more effective than the abdominal to muscle the abdominal part of the body. In fact, it must be understood that there is no specific method for losing belly. Many solutions are possible and the advantage is that you can choose the one that suits you best.

Yoga Exercise

-> 5 Pilates and yoga exercises to have a flat stomach <-


The most stressed women would have the biggest waistline. A study by Yale University reveals that the likely cause would be excess cortical, a stress hormone. One hour of yoga would lower this level of cortical and thus promote the loss of unnecessary fat.

A Sport Calorie Burner

Sport-calorie-burner Strengthening or belting your abdominal belt is a good way to lose belly. This could be the right method if you want to lose quietly without worrying too much about the results. On the other hand, if you want to lose belly quickly (before summer for example), we strongly advise you to add a cardio activity next to it.

Cardio is the ideal way to burn calories quickly and develop your metabolism. With a higher muscle mass (exercise + cardio), your body will consume more energy to maintain your muscles.

What sports to burn calories?

The goal is to burn calories fast. If you can afford to invest in fitness equipment, we recommend buying an elliptical trainer . On the other hand, if you have a slightly tighter budget, you may very well be satisfied with a skipping rope or a running out . Just know that there are many activities that will allow you to lose calories quickly, while optimizing your training.

Nutrition: a primary criterion

Woman with flat stomach and fruit tray to eat well A balanced diet is the best way to limit the production of fat in the body. The belly in men or hips in women are the parts where fat stores most quickly. An effective nutritional choice avoids this overproduction of fat that does not favor the flat stomach. Whether in man or woman, the nutrition to adapt is the same.

Snack: Recommended or not?

Contrary to what one might think, the snack (around 15-16h) is very important for losing fat in general. Indeed, a bar containing protein or almonds with an apple is a good snack at midday. Do not miss this little snack that aims to boost your metabolism and your sugar level.

Eating every 3 to 4 hours helps boost the insulin level, essential for losing fat. Many people make the mistake of eating only every 5 to 6 hours, which causes a sharp drop in insulin levels in the blood. Fats are stored more easily.

Chewing: Primordial against bloating

Are you often bloated at work after your lunch? Try chewing your meals longer. Digestion begins in the mouth and without good chewing the food can not be properly digested. A well digested diet means less gas, less bloating and therefore a flatter stomach during the day.

Yoga Exercise
Yoga Exercise

Foods to be preferred to lose belly fat


A study from the International Obesity Journal reveals that people eating eggs at breakfast lose more weight than those who eat a bagel instead (based on the same number of calories eaten in the day).

Whole grains

Adults who added whole grains to their diets lost more fat than those who ate refined grains (such as white bread). It is a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that reveals this information. To lose belly faster, it would be necessary to favor foods such as oats, quinoa, buckwheat or millet.

The almonds 

According to a study by an International Journal of Obesity, a person who nibbles almonds during the day would lose more weight than a person who does not eat.

The Blueberry

A diet consisting of blueberries is recommended for fat loss. A study by the University of Michigan suggests adding them to cereals, yogurts and salads to get an extra anti-grease agent.

Foods to Avoid: Food-a-avoidance-belly-flat

Avoid sugar

To keep the insulin level correct, you should eat as little sugar as possible. This also helps keep a high level of Glucagon, an essential hormone that will help you fight body fat.

And salt  details

A too salty diet could be the cause of your daily bloating. Adding salt to all dishes is a bad idea. It is preferable to prefer seasonings made from tomatoes, herbs or even pepper that stimulates the metabolism.

Wine rather than beer

According to a study by the American Journal of Epidemiology, beer drinkers have a higher waist than wine drinkers. This concerns people drinking more than 6 drinks per week.
Flat Belly
Flat Belly

When it comes to losing weight or more precisely losing fat located at the level of the belly, one always asks a lot of questions. Here are the most common questions that we receive regularly from the editor of My Sport Guide.

I lose weight, but no waist circumference, what happens?
This means that you do not train enough muscles during your workouts or you do not eat enough protein. Try to make your workouts more challenging (such as adding weight) or adding protein-rich foods to your body's diet to help train more muscles and promote muscle metabolism in your body.

Would eating small meals cut my hunger?

Contrary to what one can hear, the rule of 5 meals is not necessarily the right one for everyone. How to proceed? Eat healthy, but when you want. If you prefer to eat more, but fewer times a day, then work this way. There is no way to force you to do something that does not suit you. In fact, it is not the number of meals that matters, but rather their size.

According to researchers at Purdue University, our biggest problem with snacks is that they have become meals and that they are now oversized. Over the past 30 years, the size of our small daily snacks has gone from 360 to 580 calories. Besides that, we eat larger meals, which make us increase our daily caloric apartment.
In the end, you can eat as many times as you want in the day, but you should always keep an eye on the quantity at the risk of seeing the scale go in the wrong direction. Our advice? Keep your eating habits, change only your way of eating.

How to know which fat is good to consume?

It is scientifically proven that eating fat helps to lose weight. The Institute of Physicians recommends a consumption of 20 to 30% of the daily calories. Be careful, this is not an invitation to fast food. It should be understood that there are "good" fats that are essential to our health and are called fatty acids (AGMI). They are found in nuts, avocados or even healthy oils. On the other hand, you should stay away from processed foods that contain far more bad fats.

Do you always count calories to have a flat stomach?

What matters most to lose belly fat is to have a lower caloric intake than what our body can consume daily. It is certain that counting the calories consumed each day will help you maintain a healthy diet, but this is not the most important condition for losing weight.
You can very well fill your plates with energy foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grains without gaining weight. The reason? This is because foods with very few calories allow you to eat more, without necessarily increasing your waist.
In addition, we always advise you to do something you want to do. If counting the calories of your meals stresses you even more, this is the best way to miss your good resolutions. Stress is a factor of weight gain, do not forget it!

Can carbohydrates promote belly fat?

Despite everything that was said in the 90s, carbohydrates are not our enemy. Of course, if you eat too much, you will gain weight, but it's like with every food. When it comes to weight loss, it is the caloric balance that takes precedence. If you eat more than what you burn, the calories turn into fats that will store around your belly and elsewhere.
That said, if you eat regular foods high in carbohydrates, it is rather advisable to avoid them. Indeed, it is thus easier to control its weight.

Taking supplements could help me bring out my abs?

Virtually all fat loss pills are a waste of money and in addition to this; many involve frightening risks to health. In truth, any loss of fat caused by this kind of dietary supplement is tiny and even less effective on people who have a significant amount of weight to lose.
The best way to have apparent abdominal is to focus on the methods explained in this article (nutrition and how to exercise).

I always eat after training. Is it a bad habit?

Eating after a workout is actually the best thing you can do. This is the right time to help your body recover faster. On the other hand, try to adapt your sessions so as not to add a meal during the day. We recommend these 10 tips for not overeating after training .

Click here for more to have a flat and muscular belly.

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