Monday 31 July 2017

Weight loss: Belly, Hips, Thighs

 Lose Weight in Your Stomach
 Lose Weight in Your Stomach 

To erase small belly and horse breeches, it is not enough to reduce its caloric intake, it is also necessary to sort in its plate, by betting on foods that promote the stocking of fat and chase water. Thanks to our detailed weight loss program, lighten yourself in a targeted way, and lose a pants size in 14 days.

Family compared to a pear, the feminine body has the peculiarity of rounding down the belly, the hips, and the thighs. This silhouette, known as the glenoid, is a source of complexity because it is not aesthetic. It owes nothing to chance: ovarian hormones - estrogen and progesterone - favor the storage of fat and their location in the lower body. To have babies then feed them, you need reserves! This phenomenon is more pronounced in women who are sensitive to hormones and those who are genetically predisposed and is often accompanied by water retention.

1. The enemy N ° 1: the sugar

Difficult to dislodge, this grease requires a tailor-made treatment. Of course, the balance must be reversed by moving more and eating less: whatever the distribution of reserves, overweight is linked to intakes higher than needs. Above all, it is necessary to make sorting on his plate, by eliminating as a priority the sugars and the alcohol which cause brutal secretions of insulin. Because in addition to promoting fat storage, this hormone goes together with estrogen. When these are stimulated, this stimulates insulin which, itself, reticulated the estrogen. So we store more, and especially down the body! (See sugar-free diet )

2. Fibers for draining

Vegetables and, to a lesser extent, fruits, must also find a central place in the plate: full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they are especially rich in fiber which, by promoting a good draining of the colon, Will drain the body as a whole and help deflate. (See Why eat 5 fruits and vegetables per day? )
My plate to melt the lower body
To reshape his figure, you have to reshape ... his plate. Here are the eight keys to a diet to destock fat localized to the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs.

how to reduce hip size in 1 week
Lose Weight Quick

3. Increase vegetable diet

Their secret? In addition to low caloric intake, they are sources of soluble fiber (pectin, mucilage) and insoluble (heme cellulose, cellulose). These promote satiety by swelling in the stomach, cleanse the colon by facilitating transit, and limit storage by slowing down the assimilation of carbohydrates. It is thanks to this latter property that they also indirectly contribute to rebalancing hormonal secretions, thus harmonizing the body distribution of fats. It consumes at least 350-400 g of vegetables per day, raw and cooked according to its intestinal tolerance and favoring the most draining: asparagus, leek, celeriac, pepper, black radish, cucumber.

Tips to boost your consumption. We can no longer conceive a meal without them, and we anticipate! For raw vegetables, wash, peel, and lemon beforehand, then rasp or cut at the last minute. For the cooked, we think of frozen ready-to-use and cooked the day before (steam or wok). When troubleshooting, we turn to the preserves, to rinse carefully to remove the preserving salt.

4. Be limited to two servings of fruit

They too are rich in fiber, but they contain sugar in a not-insignificant amount. It is limited per day to two portions of fruits of about 150 g by mixing raw and cooked in case of digestive discomfort and favoring the most draining (pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, red fruits) and less sweet (apricot, strawberry, Melon, watermelon).

5. Ensure at least one serving of meat or fish

The body needs, every day, a sufficient amount of protein to maintain its cells, especially muscle. This quantity is estimated at 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight, or 48 g if we weigh 60 kg. If these basic needs are not met, the organism seeks the protein element by demanding ... sugar. Now, sugar nourishes the breeches of the horse, while the proteins favor the drying of the silhouette! It is better to ensure good intake by consuming at least once day meat or fish (130 g = about 25 g of protein), the quota being reached with the rest of the diet (dairy products, legumes, cereals).

At the other meal, what do I do? According to their habits, one portion is consumed at one time at one of the two meals (and cereals and/or legumes are programmed with vegetables) or consumed at the two meals, by distributing them.

6. Consume two dairy products, depending on tolerance

Like meat, fish, and eggs, they bring proteins of high biological value, that is to say, complete and well assimilated by the organism. Choosing natures and skimmed or semi-skimmed, they prove to be less caloric and low in carbohydrates. Finally, these are excellent sources of calcium, this mineral which, in addition to solidifying the bones, would slow down the assimilation of fat.

If I do not digest cow's milk. Take milk from lactose or go to the goats or sheep's milk, more digestible and prefer cheese and yogurts, poor in lactose. We can also opt for soy juice enriched with calcium, nature. On the other hand, other plant juices that do not contain enough protein and are sometimes fatty and/or sweet are avoided.

7. Rationing starchy foods

Indispensable to the brain and muscles, they are also high in carbohydrates and are quite caloric, so they must be judiciously chosen and especially limited when you want to lose weightTo over-refined cereal products which, by stimulating the secretion of insulin, favor storage, we prefer full versions (quinoa, rice and wholemeal pasta, Bulgar ...) and dried vegetables that lastly satisfy and stabilize blood sugar, Progressively in case of digestive disorders. The right ration? 200 g, cooked weight per day of cereals (or 100 g of cereals + 150 g of legumes), to be distributed to both meals according to their habits and appetite, and to systematically associate with a greater quantity of vegetables.
Bread, at breakfast only. 50 g maximum, choosing the one which is digested the slowest, in general, of tradition and sourdough. Other meals are avoided.

8. Dosing fat

They are not the ones who make the biggest! They satiate, nourish the brain, and help limit carbohydrate storage by slowing gastric emptying. They also contain lip soluble vitamins (A, E ...).
The right measure. 10 g of butter and 2 tablespoons of oil per day, to be divided between lunch and dinner, varying: rape, walnut, linen ... for seasoning, olive, sesame, and sunflower for cooking.
On the other hand, so-called "constitutional" or hidden fats, that is to say, those contained in foods, are avoided. Exit fatty meats, fries, sauces, and prepared meals. Fat fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon ...), once a week.

9. Remove sugar and sweet products

There is no doubt about it: little belly and horse breeches owe him everything! Not only caloric, but they also cause a sudden increase in insulin secretion, this hormone whose mission is to restore blood sugar by promoting the penetration of carbohydrates into fat cells. Associated with estrogen secretion, they form the perfect duo to grow from the bottom. By removing them, we break this vicious circle and promote the destocking.
Reflexes not to crack. First of all, we do not zap the starches authorized and we enjoy its meal: otherwise, it is craving delayed assured! We automatize our dairy products with spices (cinnamon, vanilla ...) and essential oils (almonds, citrus fruits ...), we opt for bitter coffee and teas or perfumed infusions, we customize the fruits (carpaccio, kebabs, verrines with Dairy products, scented compotes ...).

10. Hydrating at all times

This does not increase retention, but rather promotes elimination and drainage. Moreover, the brain can confuse thirst and desire to eat. Regular drinking of small quantities prevents nasty snacks!
Prepare yourself for light drinks. To avoid hidden sugars, you take time to concoct your own flavored waters by letting infuser fresh herbs (mint, basil ...), zest of citrus fruits, lemon juice ... in the carafe of water. Fragrant teas and herbal teas can also be prepared and refrigerated to consume them "frozen".

 Are you ready to lose belly? 'click here for more' >>>

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