Reduce Carbohydrates

Reduce Carbohydrates to Lose Weight: A Good Idea?

Want to lose weight faster? Why not adopt a diet without carbs? Carbohydrate-free diets are known to help you slim down as they encourage the body to tap into its fat resources. You are not unaware that so-called refined products such as white bread and sugar because the activation of insulin, a hormone that promotes the storage of fats in the body. In addition, insulin also opens the appetite and because of it, body fat is not transformed into energy.

Also, it is important that you are able to forego the foods mentioned above. At this point in your reading, you have certainly grasped the basic principle of losing weight: by adopting a low carbohydrate diet, you allow your body to empty its fat stocks, and you lose weight more easily! But this is much easier said than done. Additionally, it is important that you learn to determine the foods that you should now outlaw from your diet!

Reduce Carbohydrates
Reduce Carbohydrates


Nevertheless, consuming carbohydrates is actually hell debate at present, especially when associated with weight loss, the latest trend diets indirectly raising its interest. Thus, Dr. Atkins tackled carbohydrates head-on by saying they were bad and indirectly believing that starchy foods were very "fattening." The New Diet Atkins is also still as low in carbohydrates, without limitation of calories however. The latter favors the consumption of foods with high nutritional density while decreasing refined sugars and carbohydrates.

Yet, if you want to reduce the amount of sugar you consume, especially all derivatives that contain added sugar, it is important that each meal is sufficiently high in carbohydrates. Indeed, specialists have always said that our body must not run out of carbohydrates. In that case, what do we have to believe?


Carbohydrates are a bit like the fuel of the human body: they are our main source of energy, which is why they are also called carbohydrates. However, unlike proteins and lipids, carbohydrates are not essential nutrients; Our body can indeed create them from any nutrient! In food, there are three types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch and fiber.

Sugar is found naturally in a variety of foods, including fruits, honey, vegetables and milk. Other forms of sugar may be added to food or beverages but these are not natural.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate composed of chains of D-glucose molecules. Basically, it is the meeting of several sugar units that have merged with each other. Starch is found in many plants. Starch-rich foods such as bread, potatoes and pasta provide a regular energy supply to the body.

Dietary fibers are enzymes of plant origin that are neither absorbed nor processed during digestion. They are clearly essential to the proper functioning of intestinal transit. Beans, lentils and whole wheat are high in fiber.


Carbohydrate-free diet: effective or not?

They are a source of energy

Carbohydrates are important to the body for a variety of reasons. First, they are an exceptional source of energy. According to the recommendations on health, carbohydrates should form the basis of our diet (at the rate of 4Kcal per gram). Carbohydrates decompose into glucose during digestion before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Insulin then helps glucose to integrate the body's cells; it is eventually turned into energy.

They improve health

Vegetables, legumes, whole wheat and unpeeled potatoes are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber is essential for a balanced diet. They facilitate digestion, reduce the risk of constipation and may even lower cholesterol. According to Planète Santé, fibers are a valuable weapon in fighting cardiovascular disease.

They are low in calories

In addition, carbohydrates contain fewer calories than fat . In addition, foods rich in starch form an excellent source of fiber, so they are ideal for losing weight. By replacing fatty foods or having too high a sugar content with high-fiber foods, you will consume fewer calories.


If carbohydrates are so valuable to the body, and if some of them even reduce our calorie intake, why should they be removed from our diets? Indeed, while one could certainly survive without sugar, to do without carbohydrates is very difficult. After all, they are our main source of energy, do you remember? And yet, in the absence of carbohydrates, the body is able to solicit other nutrients to create energy. Thus, proteins and fats will be used.

Yet eliminating all forms of carbohydrates from your diet may expose you to the risk of nutrient deficiencies, which can cause problems, unless of course you are consuming the right substitutes. In all cases, it is proven that replacing carbohydrates with fat will lead to an excessive intake of saturated fat, the main cause of cholesterol and therefore blood pressure.


As a general rule, low-carbohydrate diets are not accompanied by any sense of satiety. Indeed, by adopting a variety of foods and consuming enough protein, there is no feeling of hunger. Moreover, the latter allow the secretion of ketone bodies, which drastically reduces the appetite.

In addition, there are many studies that demonstrate the benefits of an Atkins diet, for example. Indeed, this type of diet would be the most effective way to lose weight . Unlike the LEARN and Ornish diets, which are close to the traditional recommendations of nutritionists, it would indeed be the reduction of carbohydrates that would offer the most convincing results. Low carbohydrate diets would lose twice as much weight as the other two. The icing on the cake (without sugar, preferably): they contribute to the improvement of the state of health of the subjects, who see their blood level of triglycerides decrease.


Beware, however, because low carbohydrate diets are not perfect. Indeed, this mode of diet is "single size" insofar as it does not take into consideration the genetic differences of individuals and even their particular nutritional intakes. Thus they can induce the yo-yo effect so much feared by some because of the consequent restriction on the choice of food.

In addition, consumption of unsweetened white meats can increase the risk of cancer by misusing this type of food. As you know, the over-consumption of proteins alters the functioning of the kidneys. Moreover, they are to be avoided for people suffering from diabetes. Finally, the risks of deficiency can be significant. Serious studies show that after two months, subjects following low-carbohydrate diets were at risk, due to the pronounced absence of vitamin B1, folic acid, vitamin C and magnesium.


Starchy foods often contribute to the storage of fats, although they are also not vectors of obesity. Besides, the body needs starchy foods. Also, do not totally eliminate them from your diet, especially if you are not looking to lose weight! Nevertheless, if you are one of those who want to slim down effectively, there are four types of starchy foods you should give up.

White rice

Did you know that white rice is the basic diet of sumos? Incredible, is not it? It must be said that these imposing Japanese wrestlers eat several kilos of rice every day, and this for the sole purpose of fattening. Therefore, unless you want to make your body suffer the same fate as that of these athletes, we strongly advise you to refrain from eating white rice. Instead, prefer the whole rice , which is less rich in carbohydrates, but does not abuse it.


The Manger Bouger site has a good reputation for the famous potato gratin (and it is right because this tuber edible since the night of time is rich in vitamins C, B6, potassium, copper, manganese and fibers) but if You want your carbohydrate-free diet to be paid as quickly as possible, you will have to say goodbye to the potatoes. In Western countries, potatoes are often cooked in butter or oil. If you can not do without it, then you better steam it ! In any case, you will have to do everything to not switch to a carbohydrate diet!

White bread

You probably already know that. Foods made of white flour - ie refined flour - are the most harmful to your line. If you want to have a flat stomach, you should do without it. Indeed, refined flour-based foods like white bread secrete a lot of insulin, resulting in fat storage, chronic hunger, in short, everything you need to avoid! A good substitute for white bread is none other than whole grains . They will give you the impression of having eaten well and will not disrupt the natural production of insulin.

Pasta with wheat flour

Similarly, pasta with refined wheat flour should be avoided. If you want to lose weight, know that there is surely nothing worse than eating a plate of white pasta at night. To make your diet without carbs 100% effective, prefer quinoa . There is no better alternative!


Finally, the equation is not that complicated. To slim down, you simply eliminate the "bad starchy" and replace them with "good starches". Start by changing your carbohydrate source. Pull a stroke on starchy foods and carbohydrate-rich products and opt for fruits and vegetables instead. This way, you will not be subject to the traditional peak of insulin, which encourages the storage of fat.

You do not need to do a diet without drastic carbohydrate to lose weight. Just learn to eat better, to consume the right foods for your body. In the end, the best diet low in 

How to Reduce Carbs to Lose Weight
How to Reduce Carbs to Lose Weight

Carbohydrates will consist of:

Fruits and Vegetables: All fruits and vegetables are good for the body.

Protein: vegetable as well as animal, red meat to avoid.

Good fats : this is understood to mean avocado or dried fruits for example.


Some individuals will find that adopting a low carb diet will be more effective on their line than others. Depending on the case, specific groups of people will benefit more from this type of carbohydrate-free diet.

When low-carbohydrates are diets the most effective?

There are indeed certain groups of people who will benefit from a low carbohydrate diet. This is especially the case for people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndromes because they are naturally more resistant to insulin. Nevertheless, these people should discuss with their treating physician before starting such diets.

Should carbohydrates be reduced or calories reduced?

If you still doubt the benefits of a low-carb diet, just be sure to share your daily calorie intake as follows: 50% carbohydrates, 25% fat and 25% protein. The ideal would be of course that you decrease the caloric supply and that you sort in the type of carbohydrates you consume. It is the most effective and sustainable strategy.

Do you want to reduce carbohydrates as soon as possible click here for more >>>>>


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